When they wash your back, wash your belly.

Positive Minds | Positive Quotes | Edition 002

When someone helps you, never abuse their help. Make an effort to do without their help gradually. Not only will they respect you, but you will gain independence and autonomy.

We all need the support of someone from time to time. But depending on someone for everything all the time enslaves you.

No one thrives in servitude. Protect and defend your independence at all costs. It is the key to your fulfilment.

Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

An expert in international development and humanitarian aid, Adama Coulibaly, aka Coul, has three decades of experience with international NGOs and the United Nations, working for social justice and gender equality.

A prolific blogger, he shares positive thoughts on leadership and social awareness. Dedicated to mentoring African youth, he seeks to inspire resilience and commitment, believing in their potential to build a free, united and prosperous Africa.

Learn more about me here.


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