Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on The Odyssey of Leadership

Explore our detailed FAQ page for 'The Odyssey of Leadership' by Adama Coulibaly. Gain insight into where to buy, pricing, availability and more. Understand the motivations behind the book, discover upcoming events, and learn how this groundbreaking work bridges African leadership wisdom with global challenges. Ideal for readers interested in leadership, African perspectives and innovative approaches to traditional concepts.

We present a detailed series of questions and answers to provide comprehensive information on 'The Odyssey of Leadership,' a unique and innovative work by Adama Coulibaly. This book, unlike any other, aims to enlighten both potential and current readers on various aspects of purchasing, promoting, and the inspirations behind the book. This FAQ is live and will be updated periodically as new questions are received and addressed.

In the meantime, if you have questions about "The Odyssey of Leadership," please contact me through my website: Contact Me. Select "Question about The Odyssey of Leadership" when sending your message.

Why did you choose to write about leadership instead of a novel?

Initially, I had planned to write a fictional novel centred around a fictional African leader. However, my research soon revealed a notable gap in French-speaking African literature on leadership, especially in the context of global development. I also found that existing literature on the topic tends to be heavily coloured by Western philosophies.

As a fervent advocate of the decolonisation of knowledge, I was motivated to produce a book that not only highlights African perspectives and wisdoms but also integrates them into contemporary leadership concepts. My aim was also to present Africa in a positive light, highlighting its beauty, diversity and immense potential—aspects often misrepresented or neglected in global literature.

"The Leadership Odyssey" was thus born to fill these gaps, proposing a new framework for thinking about leadership that values and celebrates African heritage while responding to contemporary challenges. This book is not simply a contribution to the literature on leadership; it represents an affirmation of the importance of diversifying voices and perspectives in this crucial field.

Where can I purchase "The Odyssey of Leadership"?

Rest assured, the book is readily available at several points of sale:

What are the prices of the book, and why might they vary?

The official price is 19 € for the paperback version and 13.99 € for the digital version (downloadable PDF). However, local prices may vary due to import costs and applicable taxes. These variations reflect the additional costs associated with distributing the book outside its main market.

What if I have difficulty ordering the paperback version?

 If the paperback version is difficult to access due to logistical constraints or high shipping fees, the digital version is a practical alternative. It offers immediate availability and can often be obtained at a lower cost while providing the same rich content.

Will there be an English version of the book?

Yes, an English version is being prepared. Although my current publisher, Éditions L'Harmattan, does not offer an English-language editing service, I am in contact with other publishers for this undertaking. More details will be communicated later.

Do you plan a launch event for the book?

While the initial idea of a launch in Paris was considered, logistical challenges have led me to explore other options. Virtual events or collaborations with various bookstores and platforms are being considered. I am open to your ideas and suggestions to make these events accessible and memorable, as your feedback is invaluable to me.

What strategies do you plan to promote the book further?

The promotion of "The Odyssey of Leadership" relies heavily on the support of the Positive Minds community, as well as readers and subscribers of my blogs on LinkedIn. Their engagement and enthusiasm are essential for extending the book's reach through word of mouth. In addition to this organic approach, several promising ideas have been suggested to energize the promotion of the book. These include organizing online webinars, holding university conferences, making press clippings, and even participating as a guest on television shows. These initiatives require careful planning and execution, which can be challenging given my responsibilities as a full-time employee. However, I am determined to explore these opportunities to maximize the visibility and impact of the book. Stay tuned for updates and announcements regarding these promotional activities.

What are the challenges of being a novice author in Africa, and how do you manage these challenges?

Being an author in Africa presents unique challenges, including a less developed distribution network and high costs associated with publishing. Many novice authors in Africa have shared their difficulties and significant financial losses. Fortunately, being employed full-time with a stable income, I am not as affected by these economic challenges. My main goal in writing "The Odyssey of Leadership" was to use my passion for writing to share my experiences with others, especially leaders and team managers. This is all the more relevant as the majority of the book's sales revenues do not go to the author but are absorbed by production costs and the publisher's profits.

I work with Éditions L'Harmattan, a renowned publisher with a broad network in Francophone Africa, which covers the book's production costs. Thanks to this collaboration, I do not have to invest personal money in the publication, eliminating the risk of financial losses. My goal is not to make money from this book but rather to share knowledge and inspiration with a larger number of people.

Do you plan to write a new book after "The Odyssey of Leadership"?

For now, my focus is on seeing how 'The Odyssey of Leadership' is perceived and received by the public. Depending on the reception of this first work, I might consider various extensions and developments around the book's theme. Among the possibilities considered is the creation of derivative products, such as pocket booklets, that could deepen each of the book's stops or even develop a series based on the 24 main lessons addressed. Additionally, a podcast dedicated to the book could be an interactive way to explore and expand discussions on the topics covered.

While I do not currently plan to write 'The Odyssey of Leadership 2.0,' the idea remains tempting, especially with the many new lessons I have drawn from my experiences as an African leader. The future holds several forms and paths to continue sharing these insights. Let's stay attentive to the evolution of these exciting projects!

What advice would you give to those who want to write but hesitate to take the step?

Writing is, above all, a passion and not just a profession. If you feel the call to write, my advice is clear: follow your passion and dare to cross the line to discover what awaits on the other side.

Each writing journey is unique and deeply personal. Learning about the stories and paths of other writers can be inspiring, but it is crucial not to imitate their works or copy their paths. Instead, create your own story and follow your own path. By doing so, you will bring something new and authentic to the world, which is the essence of literary value.
— Adama Coulibaly, Author of 'The Odyssey of Leadership'