Be inspired: A collection of positive quotes and wisdom.

Welcome to a world of inspiration! Here, you'll find inspiring quotes, each with a short story to give it more meaning. They're quick to read, perfect for a break, and each is a chance to learn and feel more positive. So, let's dive into this world of positivity together!

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Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

The golden rule of Season's greetings

The golden rule of New Year Season's greetings is this: a short, personalised message is worth thousands of generic photos or videos.

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Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

The two most important new year resolutions.

In New Year, make only two resolutions: (1) Be a better version of yourself every day, i.e. keep improving and (2) Add value to the lives of others every day, i.e. keep doing good.

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