Gender equality is good for men too.

Positive Minds | Positive Quotes | Edition 007

Recently I was talking to a friend about equality in the workplace. He said that men are now discriminated against in recruitment and often miss out on promotions to women. Without any solid evidence, he claimed that he had missed out on at least three promotions in the last five years because he is a man.

I disagreed with him. I shared with him tons of scientific evidence that women are discriminated against. I also shared evidence that men and women are better off when we achieve gender equality. He disputed this evidence and stuck to his unverifiable assumptions.

Finally, I shared with him the metaphor of the bird's two wings. Although he agreed with me, he was still not convinced.

I am interested in your opinion.

Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

An expert in international development and humanitarian aid, Adama Coulibaly, aka Coul, has three decades of experience with international NGOs and the United Nations, working for social justice and gender equality.

A prolific blogger, he shares positive thoughts on leadership and social awareness. Dedicated to mentoring African youth, he seeks to inspire resilience and commitment, believing in their potential to build a free, united and prosperous Africa.

Learn more about me here.

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