Approach your career as a navigation system, not as a path to follow

Positive Minds | Positive Quotes | Edition 006

I recently read Gartner’s annual flagship report: Top HR Trends and Priorities for 2023.

I was struck by priority 3: employee experience. It says that 44% of HR leaders believe their organisation does not offer compelling career paths.

The immediate reaction of most people would be to ask how we can create compelling career paths for our employees. If this is your reaction, pause for a minute. Because according to Gartner, employees need satellite navigation, not paths.

A path and a satellite navigation system have two things in common: where you are, i.e. your starting point, and where you want to go, i.e. your desired or final destination. The similarity ends there.

A path is a route to follow. It is rigid, with a set direction to follow from your starting point to your final destination. Sometimes, with a little luck, you reach your final destination. But there may be an accident that blocks the path, or a path is inaccessible because a bridge is broken etc., and you are stuck.

A satellite navigation system constantly monitors the traffic ahead. It shows you several routes to your final destination while indicating the best route with fewer constraints to go faster. This may even mean a radical change to your original route.

To learn more about how to support the career growth of your staff, download the Gartner report on the Top HR Trends and Priorities for 2023.

Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds

Adama Coulibaly, known as Coul, is a transformative leader, social justice advocate, and passionate champion of decolonisation. An author, blogger, and certified coach, he is dedicated to fostering equity and inspiring change through his writing and leadership.

Learn more about me here.

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