24 practical lessons from real-life experiences

Adama Coulibaly

A unique blend of ancient wisdom and modern leadership concepts takes you on a profound journey through 24 essential lessons. 

Dear friends and loyal readers,

I am thrilled to announce the publication of my book, The Odyssey of Leadership, which was released on 9 May 2024.

Published by Les Editions L'Harmattan, the book guides you through five thematic stages, each exploring a fundamental aspect of leadership. From understanding various leadership archetypes to the importance of personal growth and maintaining integrity, "The Odyssey of Leadership" offers practical teachings and innovative perspectives for leaders at all levels.

You can purchase your copy and immerse yourself in exclusive content and insights. The book is available on the Editions L'Harmattan website as well as on platforms such as Amazon, Fnac, Cultura, La Procure, and Babelio. Get your copy today and be part of the journey!

I rely on your support to share this exciting news with your network. Please consider leaving a positive review on the platform where you ordered the book or on my author page on Amazon: My Author Page. Your reviews are crucial in spreading the word and encouraging others to embark on this journey towards enlightened leadership.

With all my heart, I am grateful for your continued support and friendship. I look forward to sharing this path towards more enlightened and humane leadership with you.