I share short stories that bring joy, teach valuable lessons and inspire big ideas. Each story is designed to take just a few minutes to read, but is packed with thought-provoking twists and turns. Explore the blogs below and let these stories brighten your day.

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Welcome to my library of wisdom-packed stories!

When the anger of yesterday's little girl translates into a dedication to today's girls and women…

During my first 3 years in primary school, I was the only girl in the whole school. It was in a nomadic school where my father was a teacher. The nomads did not want the 'white' school, which they saw as a threat to their culture and identity.

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Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds

Good Boss, Bad Boss: we learn from both (Part 2/2)

When I walked out of my boss’ office, I was over the moon. 1,000 young people will have a modest job thanks to my project proposal… My joy was short-lived. His condition for approving the project was morally unacceptable to me. I was faced with two options, each with serious personal consequences.

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Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds

The village chief's lesson to the experts (Part 2/2)

"Tell our guests this ...", with his index finger pointing at me, "this young man was not here the day we chose this project". Then, one by one, he addressed the children, young people, women, and the village elders: "what was the priority of your group? ".

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Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds

Create opportunities for others

"Sir, my name is Miriam. I am a new graduate with a Master Degree in Political Sciences and International Relationships. I'm looking for a job or internship. I am available for a call or a meeting to tell you more about me" ; said Miriam, a young graduate

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Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds

Explore beyond your horizons

I "landed" in #Gueckedou, 700 km from the capital city #Conakry, with no electricity, no running water, no telephone... in short "a no man's land". I spent the whole week crisscrossing the muddy trails and roaming the steep hills

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