Giving without expecting anything in return

Positive Minds | Positive Stories | Edition 015

Positive Minds | Positive Stories | Ep. 011

Nelson Mandela, in his great wisdom, said “there can be no greater gift than that of giving one’s time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return.”

Unfortunately, nowadays people always expect something in return when they help you. Worse, they expect you to be grateful forever. They don't shy away from reminding everyone that it is thanks to them and them alone that you are who you are today, overshadowing your own efforts and sacrifices.

Fortunately, there are exceptions to every rule. I have benefited from these exceptions; over and over again. I have had unique opportunities to meet great people with big heart who have given their time and energy to help me, who have done so with great love, and who expected nothing in return; not even a thank you.

I felt that the best way to show my gratitude to all those extraordinary people who helped me is to give my own time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return.

I can't help everyone. Nor do I pretend to help everyone. But as Maya Angelou said, I can be "a rainbow in someone's cloud", hoping that someone will be a rainbow in someone else's cloud. And who knows, maybe we can create a movement to perpetuate Mandela's wisdom: giving your time and energy to help others without expecting anything in return.

Such is my objective in launching on my blog site the section "Meet with me". I target young African men and women between 18 and 35 years old. I offer them four free services:

  • Writing of CVs and motivation letters

  • Tips for job interviews

  • Coaching and career advice

  • Other work-related issues

Every weekend, I schedule 4 blocks of 30 minutes, i.e. 2 hours, to listen, advise and coach young people. The meetings are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays, between 3pm and 6pm, and for a maximum of two people per day.

Young people who are interested can directly make an appointment through the scheduling tool of my blog, where they will be invited to fill in a short questionnaire. They will receive an email to confirm the day and time of the appointment. They will have the option to change their appointment or simply cancel it.

If you are interested in this initiative, you can contribute by contacting me. Join the movement now and be a rainbow in someone's cloud.

The more people who give their time and energy to help others, the more rainbows we shall create that will shine brightly for the benefit of everyone; those who give and those who receive.

Adama Coulibaly: Spreading Positivity with PositiveMinds

Adama Coulibaly, known as Coul, is a transformative leader, social justice advocate, and passionate champion of decolonisation. An author, blogger, and certified coach, he is dedicated to fostering equity and inspiring change through his writing and leadership.

Learn more about me here.

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