Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

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Explore beyond your horizons

Positive Minds | Positive Stories | Edition 005

Before the end of my engineering studies in the mid-1990s, I had two job offers all conditional to my graduation: a manager position in a ministry of my home country, #Mali, and a position as a consulting engineer with a French engineering firm. With my degree in hand, against everyone's advice, I declined both offers to do an unpaid professional internship with Plan International in #Guinea.

I "landed" in #Gueckedou, 700 km from the capital city #Conakry, with no electricity, no running water, no telephone... in short "a no man's land". I spent the whole week crisscrossing the muddy trails and roaming the steep hills with my Honda CT 250 motorcycle; drinking, eating and sleeping with the communities. This adventure, full of learning, lasted more than 6 years in #Guinea and #GuineaBissau.

Looking back; refusing the apparent comfort of two stable jobs in Bamako to do an internship with an uncertain outcome in the confines of Guinea was my best career decision.

Moral: Always pursue your passion and your dreams even if it means taking risks and giving up your comfort.